University of Georgia

Delta Gamma was founded in 1873 in Oxford, Mississippi, at the Lewis School for Girls by three young women who were unable to go home for the Christmas break. Together, Anna Boyd, Mary Comfort and Eva Webb created a club of "mutual helpfulness." They chose the Greek letters Delta and Gamma because of their desire to "Do Good." It remains Delta Gamma's motto today and a driving force in all we do.
What started with three women had since grown into an international Fraternity with 150 collegiate chapters and more than 215 alumnae groups. Delta Gamma is a sisterhood built on a commitment to making the world better through not only service, but also a deep appreciation for each individual.
The University of Georgia was the first state-chartered university in the United States, dating back to January 27, 1785. Men’s social groups arrived in 1866 and colonization of women’s groups began in 1921. In January 1967, members of the Delta Gamma Council established a colony and Delta Gamma became the 18th national sorority on campus. Twenty-five women were pledged in the Lumpkin House Memorial Garden

and the first meeting place was at the Bloomfield Terrace Apartments. These 25 women formed the bonds of friendship and sisterhood that characterize Delta Gammas everywhere.
Land was purchased on South Milledge Avenue in the Fall of 1967 and construction for a new house started after the installation banquet. The house was opened to sisters on October 19, 1969 and was the feature house on "Good Morning America's" 1983 show about sorority recruitment.
Our chapter continues to focus on our foundation, Service for Sight. This past fall we hosted our first ever Slices for Sight event. In 2018-2019, Delta Iota was acknowledged for acquiring the most number of service hours out of all Delta Gamma chapters. Delta Iota has been awarded the Patricia Peterson Danielson Award for the past twelve years in a row, in recognition of our overall achievement of excellence to the chapter and outstanding contributions to the fraternity.”